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bulletSunbreak Cellars - A Backyard Vineyard
bulletSunbreak Cellars - Le Goût du Terroir
bulletSunbreak Cellars - A Landscaping History
bulletSunbreak Cellars - Thinking of the Fruit of the Vine
bulletSunbreak Cellars - Planning, Planning, Not Yet Planting
bulletSunbreak Cellars - Time To Plant
bulletSunbreak Cellars - The First Year
bulletSunbreak Cellars - The Second Year
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bulletSunbreak Cellars - Grapevine Pictures
bulletWine Tasting Notes - Cabernet Sauvignon Comparisons
bulletWine Tasting Notes - Duckhorn Merlots
bulletWine Tasting Notes - Mature California Cabernet Sauvignon
bulletWine Tasting Notes - Red Wines of Piedmont
bulletWine Tasting Notes - Sangiovese
bulletWine Tasting Notes - South American Red Wines
bulletWine Tasting Notes - Southern Rhone
bulletWine Tasting Notes - Washington State Red Wines
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bulletOutdoor Photographer Magazine Holiday Book Guide - 2001
bulletOutdoor Photographer Magazine Holiday Book Guide - 2003
bulletOutdoor Photographer Magazine Holiday Book Guide - 2004
bulletOutdoor Photographer Magazine Holiday Book Guide - 2005
bulletOutdoor Photography Magazine - 2003 Book of the Month List
bulletOutdoor Photography Magazine - 2004 Book of the Month List
bulletOutdoor Photography Magazine - 2005 Book of the Month List
bulletOutdoor Photography Magazine - 2006 Book of the Month List
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bulletPCPhoto Magazine Editor's Choice 2004
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Fifty Years In Oregon by T. T. Geer

bulletChapters 1-2 - Geer Farmily History
bulletChapter 3 - John Eoff
bulletChapters 4-5 - Louisiana Purchase and Oregon
bulletChapter 6 - Hall J. Kelley
bulletChapters 7-8 - Jason Lee
bulletChapter 9 - Anna Maria Pitman
bulletChapter 10 - Willamette University
bulletChapters 11-13 - Willamette University Founders
bulletChapter 14 - Thomas Pearne
bulletChapter 15 - Central School
bulletChapter 16 - Willamette University as a student
bulletChapter 17 - Thomas M. Gatch
bulletChapters 18-19 - Oregon Trail Diary of Elixabeth Dixon Smith Geer
bulletChapter 20 - James W. Nesmith
bulletChapter 21 - Organization of the Oregon Territory
bulletChapter 22 - Ewing Young
bulletChapter 23 - Provisional Government of the Oregon Territory
bulletChapters 24-25 - F. X. Matthieu
bulletChapter 26 - First Meetings of the Oregon Provisional Legislature
bulletChapter 27 - General Joseph Lane
bulletChapter 28 - Oregon Constitutional Convention
bulletChapter 29 - Daniel Waldo
bulletChapter 30 - Childhood Memories
bulletChapter 31 - Hardships and a Move to the Grand Ronde Valley
bulletChapter 32 - Childhood memories of the Civil War in Oregon
bulletChapter 33 - Growing up in Oro Dell
bulletChapter 34 - First Republican political foray on the editorial page
bulletChapter 35 - Thrift, poverty and sawmills in Oro Dell
bulletChapter 36 - Politics: Repartitioning the Union County panhandle
bulletChapter 37 - Politics in the early 1870s
bulletChapter 38 - A fishing trip to Lake Wallowa
bulletChapter 39 - Growing up in Forest Cove
bulletChapter 40 - Geer decides to return to the Willamette Valley (1876)
bulletChapter 41 - The journey from Grande Ronde to Waldo Hills (1877)
bulletChapter 42 - Farming in the Waldo Hills (1877-1881)
bulletChapter 43 - Geer wins election to the Oregon Legislature (1880)
bulletChapter 44 - Legislative session of 1880
bulletChapter 45 - Geer crosses Sylvester Pennoyer
bulletChapter 46 - Legislative session of 1889
bulletChapter 47 - Geer wins Speaker of the Oregon Legislature in 1891
bulletChapter 48 - President Harrison visits Oregon
bulletChapter 49 - Session of 1893 in the Oregon Legislature
bulletChapter 50 - Campaigns for Judge William Lord for Governor in 1894
bulletChapter 51 - 1896 Presidential Election: Gold standard vs Free Silver
bulletChapter 52 - Geer visits President McKinley
bulletChapter 53 - Geer campaigns for Governor in Western Oregon
bulletChapter 54-55 - Geer campaigns in Eastern Oregon
bulletChapter 56 - Spanish American War veterans return home in 1899
bulletChapter 57 - Geer visits Ohio on behalf of Governor Nash
bulletChapter 58 - Geer visits his grandfather's home town of London, Ohio
bulletChapter 59 - Stories about Homer Davenport, the cartoonist
bulletChapter 60 - Various stories about personal character
bulletChapter 61 - John Mitchell and Harvey W. Scott
bulletChapter 62 - Establishing the "Oregon System"
bulletChapter 63 - Thomas Tongue and Crater Lake
bulletChapter 64 - More pioneer stories from Benjamin Simpson, et al.
bulletChapter 65 - Improvising by James Nesmith and Sareliah Miller
bulletChapter 66 - President McKinley on judging from appearances
bulletChapter 67-68 - Climbing Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams
bulletChapter 69 - Oregon's natural beauty
bulletChapter 70 - Winding up with Isabelle Geer and Heman Geer

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