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Outdoor Photography - 2006 Book of the Month List
Every month,
Outdoor Photography
Magazine, a British publication, writes reviews of several
recently published books and they select a Book of the Month. I started to
gather these reviews in September of 2003 and have taken the liberty to
publish a list of those books selected as the Book of the Month as recommendations for outstanding
photography books.
Book of the Month: 2006 |
October |
Rivers of America
by Tim Palmer
There is an undeniable romance about the great American rivers: the
Colorado, the Hudson, the Rio Grande, the Potomac and, of course, the
Mississippi all evoke certain emotions and thoughts whether or not you
have actually visited them. This tour of America's waterways provides an
admiring view of these legendary names as well as visiting many
less-well known, but equally important, attractive and fascinating river
ecosystems. Many of Tim Palmer's images are spectacular, with rose-red
sunsets mirrored in calm meandering stretches, or a raging torrent of
tumbling white water forcing its way through narrow canyons; however,
there are also plenty that exhibit a less dramatic, more contemplative
aspect of nature and these provide just as much pleasure.
Rivers of America
presents a multi-faceted view of America's waterways, likewise the
accompanying essays provide a varied and interesting view of the issues
that face rivers and their dependant environment, although the author,
like his subjects, is prone to meandering. However, on the whole this is
an attractive and illuminating well-balanced document of an ecosystem
under threat. Reviewed by James Beattie. |
Amazon US |
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Amazon CA |
September |
Countryside by Joe Cornish, Paul Wakefield, and David Noton
We like a book that does what it says on the tin, and in the case of
these two publications —
Coast and
Countryside — brought to you by the
National Trust, you know just what to expect. The sense of anticipation
is heightened when your eye falls upon the names of the contributors —
Joe Cornish, David Noton and Paul Wakefield, no less. Not to undermine
the input of the other two, but the lion's share of the photographs are
the work of Joe Cornish, and the quality is everything that you'd
expect. While much of the scenery is there for the taking, he rises to
the challenge of capturing the bleaker aspects of the areas under The
National Trust's stewardship — Orford Ness in Suffolk for example — and
even shows something of a leaning towards nature imagery, with the likes
of fungus close-ups, puffins and even a cheeky red squirrel peppering
both books. The sheer variety of this country's landscape is summed up
perfectly in each of these compact publications, and on leafing through
them I found myself taking a sharp intake of breath on more than one
occasion at the sheer drama of the scenes. It's enough to make the most
stalwart sun-seeker cancel their summer break, and explore the gems that
Britain has to offer. Best of all, both books are relatively
inexpensive, keeping them within most people's budgets. Reviewed by Ailsa McWhinnie. |
Amazon US: Coast
Amazon US: Countryside
Amazon UK: Coast
Amazon UK: Countryside
Amazon CA: Coast
Amazon CA: Countryside |
August |
Wild Borneo: The Wildlife and Scenery of Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan
by Nick Garbutt and J Cede Prudente
Charles Darwin once described Borneo as 'one great luxuriant hothouse
made by nature for herself' — a fitting description for an island rich
in landscape, wildlife, and the cultural diversity of its people. This
is an area where Mother Nature truly indulged herself:
outrageous-looking proboscis monkeys hurl themselves from tree to tree
while frogs seemingly fly across the rainforest canopy and the endearing
slow loris stares wide-eyed at the whole affair. This celebratory look
at a land that is something of a mystery to many takes in the wildlife
and scenery of Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan in glorious detail.
With a forward by the great Sir David Attenborough, and the full support
of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), it has a stamp of authority
backed up by the informative, and lively, copy — written by wildlife
photographer Nick Garbutt. Nick's pictures can be seen throughout
Wild Borneo, together with those of
J Cede Prudente, offering a glorious taste of the mammals, lizards,
snakes, insects, and flowers of the tallest rainforests on earth.
Looking at the landscape slowly revealing itself, it's easy to imagine
the thousands of plants and animals still waiting to be discovered —
many of which will remain hidden until such time as Mother Nature wishes
to share her secrets. Reviewed by Tracy Hallett. |
Amazon US |
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Amazon CA |
July |
by Prabir Purkayastha
Ladakh is one of the least-populated districts of India. Situated in the
far north of the country, it sits between the Himalaya and Karakorum
mountains and is home to the upper stretches of the Indus. Prabir
Purkayastha has set about capturing this remote landscape and the people
that inhabit it, and he certainly has talent; these are the kind of
images that you get more of, the more that look at them. Images, that at
first don't seem to hold much interest, lure you in at second sight. The
muted colours of the landscapes interwoven with monochrome portraiture
transcend the more obvious picture-postcard beauty on offer, and as a
consequence have a deeper appeal that is upheld by the quality of the
is a great book with incredible production values, and it would
certainly prove a talking point on any coffee table. However, and it is
a shame to talk of this book in such prosaic terms, £110 is an awful lot
of anyone's money, even taking into consideration the now-ubiquitous
retailers' discount, this book still tips the scales at around £75. For
this reviewer, that is too much to pay for any book, no matter how
lovingly produced or how good the photographs when I could instead spend
the money on a small library of other titles. However, if you do want a
centrepiece to your necessarily sturdy coffee table, then look no
further than this — even if you have to save up for it first. Reviewed by James Beattie. |
Amazon US |
Amazon UK |
Amazon CA |
June |
One Planet: A Celebration Of Biodiversity
by Nicholas Hulot
The publication of
One Planet
dovetails nicely with the culmination of the BBC's Planet Earth
series, and is yet another tour de force of the natural world. As the
subtitle suggests it offers a broad vista of the natural world, and like
its television counterpart
One Planet
approaches its subjects according to their habitat. Showcasing the work
of some of the world's finest natural-history photographers, Nicholas
Hulot offers a spectacular insight into countless wonderful sights;
crossing deserts and oceans alike in order to highlight the beauty of
nature in whatever form it takes.
One Planet
takes an interesting turn away from the usual coffee-table collection of
breathtaking imagery as it shows the impact of humankind on the natural
environment. Images of oil slicks and rusting hulks might not be as
attractive as corals or polar bears, but they certainly make you think.
My only criticism of
One Planet
is that at times the images have been over-enlarged, perhaps in an
attempt to try to heighten their impact. While this often works, it has,
in some cases, introduced a degree of softness or exacerbated flaws,
which would not have been so apparent if only the image had been
reproduced slightly smaller. However, these are minor issues considering
the book's magnificent concept and its dazzling subjects. Reviewed by James Beattie. |
Amazon US |
Amazon UK |
Amazon CA |
May |
Butterflies Of The World
by Gilles Martin (photographs) and Myriam Baran (text)
The beauty of butterflies, their dazzlingly coloured and patterned wings
burnished by reflected sunshine, has made them symbols of life force and
love in many world cultures. They achieve their wondrous but fleeting
form only after undergoing three body changes, from egg to larva to
chrysalis, finally to emerge as an immaculate but fragile imago whose
sole purpose is to mate and begin the cycle all over again, before
dying. Gilles Martin's book is a dazzling and detailed exploration of
the process via plate after plate of brilliant photographs. His artistic
eye for beauty in nature is such that I stared in awe at the less
attractive stages of the cycle, so a close-up of the rearing under-belly
of the sticky looking and acid-green Indian Moon moth defined it as a
creature of wonder rather than revulsion. But it is his capture of the
velvety threads that make up the 'roof tile' scales of butterfly and
moth wings that exemplifies the strength of his macro photography.
Likening this book to a jewelry box, open it at random and a gem
shines out of the pages. Myriam Baran supports his study with
informative, digestibly written text that will be useful to the wildlife
photographer, and the images work with it to produce that difficult
marriage of coffee table and reference book. Reviewed by Andrea Hargreaves. |
Amazon US |
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Amazon CA |
April |
The Making of Great Photographs: Approaches and Techniques of the Masters
by Eamonn McCabe
With a book like this, you can't help but reach out and flick through
the pages. And, yes, there isn't a photograph out of place or
undeserving of the greatness bestowed upon it by the author. Of course,
Eamonn McCabe is more than suitably qualified to make such
pronouncements, but where he has brought his vast experience and
knowledge to the fore is by explaining how the effect of each image
could be recreated in a modern context. Even then, there are limitations
— modern warfare, military censorship and 24-hour news coverage means
that getting as close to the casualties of war on the frontline as Larry
Burrows in Vietnam in 1966 is increasingly unlikely. However, McCabe's
simplified explanations help the reader get behind the makings of the
image in a fashion that is immediately accessible and free of the over-intellectualising
favoured by other photography writers. Having said that, there is a
danger of trying to oversimplify the techniques used to create such
celebrated masters as Edward Weston's Nude on Sand or Alfred
Stieglitz's The Steerage, and there is a sense of McCabe's own
disbelief when he writes about [Ansel Adams'] Moonrise Over Hernandez:
'If you really want to replicate Adam's methods...' That aside, this is
an absorbing and informative book that is bound to add to your knowledge
and appreciation of our greatest photographs and their authors. Reviewed by
Keith Wilson. |
Amazon US |
Amazon UK |
Amazon CA |
March |
The Oldest: In Celebration of Britain's Living History
by Julian Calder and Alistair Bruce
Ever wondered whereabouts in Britain you will find the oldest flushing
toilet? Nope, neither have I, but after flitting through this book I am
not a temporary expert on many of Blighty's more peculiar historic
treasures. Illustrated and compiled by photographer Julian Calder, and
written by documentary maker Alistair Bruce, this account of Britain's
rich heritage covers everything from the oldest fig tree to the oldest
tartan — and everything in between. Where this book stumbles is in its
claim to be a 'pictorial' account. While Julian is an accomplished
photographer, it's a tall order to make Britain's oldest traffic island
sing from the page, and, understandably, some of the tree shots aren't
really a grower. Having said that, the shot of the oldest bowling green
(incidentally in Southampton) is pretty impressive. Where the book does
succeed is in its ability to satisfy the natural curiosity in us all — and, I have to confess, I did let out a small yelp of pleasure when I
realized the oldest spring-fed outdoor pool was yards from my doorstep
in Lewes, Sussex. Though this is no photographic masterpiece, it
succeeds in its bid to inspire and educate. Reviewed by
Tracy Hallett. |
Amazon US |
Amazon UK |
Amazon CA |
February |
Extreme Nature: Images From The World's Edge
Bill Curtsinger
Having recently seen the wonderful documentary
March of the Penguins, I
was delighted to find the Emperors of the Atlantic in this underwater
odyssey from National Geographic photographer Bill Curtsinger. For Bill,
week sof preparation preclude each shoot. "I have to learn everything I
can about my subject, and what make a particular species different from
the rest," he explains. This careful planning results in some stunning
photography, both above and below the water. Subjects include jellyfish,
polar bears, dolphins and sharks — take a look at Trachymedusae, a
wonderful jellyfish with its curious red stomach lining clearly visible.
Bill has traveled extensively since his first commission for National
Geographic back in 1970, just 30 days after leaving the navy. his
grandfather used to send him the magazine every month after reading it
and Bill would devour the facts and photographs hungrily. Now, with over
30 articles and six NG front covers to his name, Bill has produced a
books that explains the underwater world with skill and passion. Reviewed by Tracy Hallett. |
Amazon US |
Amazon UK |
Amazon CA |
January |
Tom Mackie's Landscape Photography Secrets
by Tom Mackie
Tom Mackie is an accomplished landscape, travel and architecture
photographer, having established a reputation for himself both in
America and here in the UK. The boldness and simplicity of his images
affords them a visual impact many other technique-style books lack. The
strength of the photography reinforces his practical commentary; and his
wonderful eye for balance and harmony is heightened by sympathetic book
design, and excellent reproduction values. The captions offer extra
insight, and full technical information, giving you confidence in the
text — even if it as ghost written! Chapters are divided into rural,
coastal, mountain, forest, desert, water, garden and urban — the latter
subject being a favourite of mine and, I imagine, Mackie's having spent
five years of his career as an industrial photographer in Los Angeles.
The shots of the new Selfridges building in Birmingham fall firmly into
this camp, and are both dynamic and visually simplistic. I recognize one
or two locations from his earlier book — Salt Polygons, Death Valley
for example, but there is more than enough new material here to satisfy
the hungriest of landscape snappers. Reviewed by Tracy Hallett. |
Amazon US |
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Amazon CA |
For other book lists on photography, check out these pages on
our website: