This book reminds me of one of those nifty boy scout epics where the heroes
escape from a difficult spot with a bit of luck, pluck and a can-do
attitude. In part, I feel it gets this kind of perspective is because the
story was retold by the two climbers some sixty-five years after they made
the climb and, through the years, the story has become polished. That said,
While was nothing trivial about the adventure that Bradford Washburn and Bob
Bates found themselves in when they climbed Mt. Lucania in Canada in 1937
after they were, in a sense, abandoned on a glacier approximately eighty
miles from the nearest habitation.
The book doesn't give much of a sense of
either the difficulties of the climb or the true hardships that they endured
but this book, nonetheless, is an important part of mountain climbing
history in North America.